3 bookmarks for 2023-12-03


Git Query language


GQL is a query language with a syntax very similar to SQL with a tiny engine to perform queries on .git files instance of database files, the engine executes the query on the fly without the need to create database files or convert .git files into any other format, note that all Keywords in GQL are case-insensitive similar to SQL.

Reposted 448.

Scientific Open Source Meetup №5


Айтишники и учёные соберутся в баре и будут обсуждать опен-сорс. А знаете, кто там будет?! Там будет Данила! А знаете, про что он будет там говорить??? Про Бетулу!!! Питерские, давайте быстренько записывайтесь.


Computers can be understood - Made of Bugs


This belief is, for me, not some abstruse theoretical assertion, but a deeply felt belief that essentially any question I might care to ask (about computers) has a comprehensible answer which is accessible with determined exploration and learning.