Не такой как все!
www.yegor256.com/2023/10/01/individualism-vs-collectivism.htmlУже тридцать лет нас учат, что индивидуализм это счастье и прогресс, а коллективизм это тоска и застой — задумаемся, так ли это?
A Distributed Team Delivers Code of Higher Quality
www.yegor256.com/2016/08/05/distributed-teams-are-higher-quality.htmlA properly configured distributed team of programmers can and must deliver a higher quality of code than a co-located one.
Hourly Pay Is Modern Slavery
www.yegor256.com/2015/07/21/hourly-pay-modern-slavery.htmlPaying by the hour is a modern form of slavery that must be replaced by paying for results, which is a much more effective and healthy form of management.
How Much Do You Cost?
www.yegor256.com/2014/10/29/how-much-do-you-cost.htmlHow do you know what hourly rate you are worth? What factors should be taken into account? Here are my criteria.
Good Programmers Don't Work for Equity
www.yegor256.com/2016/01/12/good-programmers-dont-work-for-equity.htmlEquity or cash? These days, it seems that working for equity is the way to become a millionaire. I don't think it's true.
16 Don'ts of Career Growth
www.yegor256.com/2017/01/24/career-advice.htmlI often hear the question of how to become a senior developer; this is my story and my advice; hope it helps you.
Stack Overflow Is Your Mandatory Tool
www.yegor256.com/2017/02/14/stackoverflow-is-your-tool.htmlIf you actively use Stack Overflow as a coding instrument, your reputation will be lofty; if you don't use it, you're not really a professional software engineer.
Are You a Hacker or a Designer?
www.yegor256.com/2014/10/26/hacker-vs-programmer-mentality.htmlTwenty years ago we worried about performance. Now it is time to worry about maintainability, even though it often compromises performance.
How to Cut Corners and Stay Cool
www.yegor256.com/2015/01/15/how-to-cut-corners.htmlWhen a task you're working on is too big or you simply don't want to do it, you cut corners; here is how you can do it professionally.
It's Not a School!
www.yegor256.com/2015/02/16/it-is-not-a-school.htmlA project is not a school, and it shouldn't pay for our education; however, we want to learn while working on a project. Here is some simple advice on how to align our goals and project objectives.
Why Don't You Contribute to Open Source?
www.yegor256.com/2015/12/22/why-dont-you-contribute-to-open-source.htmlAn active open source contribution is a good habit for a software developer who is passionate about his or her job.
Eight Levels of Communication Maturity
www.yegor256.com/2016/08/23/communication-maturity.htmlChats, emails, phone calls, mailing lists, issue tracking systems, face-to-face meetings, and other communication instruments for a software project.
Stop Chatting, Start Coding
www.yegor256.com/2014/10/07/stop-chatting-start-coding.htmlIn XDSD everybody is motivated to produce tangible and meaningful results. That's why we don't use emails, Skype, HipChat or phone calls.
Puzzle Driven Development
www.yegor256.com/2010/03/04/pdd.htmlPatent-pending methodology of breaking down big tasks into smaller ones is explained in the article, by example in Java
How Micro Is Your Tasking?
www.yegor256.com/2017/11/28/microtasking.htmlMicro-tasking is a management paradigm we've been practicing for over eight years, to the benefit of our programmers and project sponsors.
How to Be Lazy and Stay Calm
www.yegor256.com/2018/04/17/how-to-be-lazy.htmlSolving technical problems in a large scope which is difficult to understand is a very stressful activity; I suggest we behave professionally.
How to Pay Programmers Less
www.yegor256.com/2016/12/06/how-to-pay-programmers-less.htmlProgrammers are expensive and difficult to control; here are a few tricks to keep them underpaid and happy, for a while.