Tag programming
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98 bookmarks have this tag.
Data classes are containers for your data—not behavior
Functions that are part of your project’s source code but can never be
reached in any execution are called “dead code”, and they exert a drag
on codebase maintenance efforts.
Today we’re pleased to share a tool named deadcode to help you identify them.
This belief is, for me, not some abstruse theoretical assertion, but a deeply felt belief that essentially any question I might care to ask (about computers) has a comprehensible answer which is accessible with determined exploration and learning.
Это список вопросов, который может быть интересен соискателю должности технического специалиста.
A rough formula for tshirt-sizing estimates for software projects.
Implementation versus exploration. Who is expected to do what. Being glue.
Free Encyclopedia of Programming Languages.
Генерирует фотку экрана с кодом, который вставит пользователь
This Python library help command-line tool authors to use
OAuth2 services. Built using requests-oauthlib
with parts of google_auth_oauthlib.
This page collects common comments made during reviews of Go code, so
that a single detailed explanation can be referred to by shorthands.
This is a laundry list of common style issues, not a comprehensive style guide.
Никита рассказывает про текст и кодировки
The Go standard library is full of bad design choices from the perspective of safety of use.
The core idea is to canonicalize things. Both x < y and y > x mean the same, and, if you usethem with roughly equal frequency, you need to spend extra mental capacity to fold the two versionsinto the single “x tiny, y HUGE” concept in your head.
This is a simple checklist, and while it is useful to any software engineer, it is especially useful to senior engineers.
Выделите джуниору части проекта, где он будет главным, через него будут решаться все вопросы связанные с ними. При срочной необходимости, можно всё сделать самому, но в штатном режиме хозяин кода - он.
Everything you need to know about monorepos, and the tools to build them.
Заметка Ивана об htmx
Заметки о том, как писать и оформлять код на Си
If you want a single piece of advice to reduce your bug count, it’s this:
Re-read your code frequently. After writing a few lines of code (3 to 6 lines, a short block within a function), re-read them. That habit will save you more time than any other simple change you can make.
Языки программирования как люди
Для всех, кто знал SQL, но подзабыл
Я ещё так никогда не удивлялся регулярному выражению
Choosing the right tools to write a database model in Go can be overwhelming. This post describes the various approaches.
Рич Хикки рассказывает о различиях простоты и лёгкости в контексте проектирования и написания программ.
Говорит, что многие выбирают лёгкость, забывая про простоту. Со временем комплексность превращается во что-то такое, что сложно поддерживать и в чём сложно разобраться новичкам.
Нужно стремиться искать лёгкие способы делать простые программы.
Видео о том, как писать понятный код
OK, your program works. You've tested everything in sight. It's time to ship it. So you make a release version.
And the world crumbles to dust.
You get memory access failures, dialogs don't come up, controls don't work, results come out incorrectly, or any or all of the above. Plus a few more problems that are specific to your application.
Now what?
That's what this essay is all about.
The concept of stacked branches and stacked PRs